
Good and the quality health of the citizens of our great nation is critical. The more healthier the people, the better the economy.So far , I have initiated and set targets in improving quality access to health care for the good people of Dormaa east.Currently, through my health fund, the construction of a weighing center block at the district hospital is ongoing.

Through same health fund ,Construction of a maternity center for pregnant women and weighing center are ongoing at Kofi Nti Shed. I have personally donated 60 bags of Cement and 20 pieces of plywood to the completion of Kyenkyenase CHPS Compound.I supported in the renovation exercise for all the respective health facilities in the district spearheaded by the District Health Directorate by donating 120 bags of Cement for the very exercise.

I personally also donated 100 bags of Cement to the wamfie citizens abroad group who were seeking to build an emergency unit for the district hospital. Aside that , I took the mandate in donating 10 students mattresses and 10 plastic chairs to the children’s ward at the district hospital.50 bags of Cement were donated to Ampenkuro Clinic for the construction of a maternity unit.

The Wamfie District hospital lacks infrastructure space and does not meet modern standard. Through collaborative effort with my predecessor, the facility would be receiving an upgrade from 20 bed to about 80 bed capacity well resourced. The project have been outsourced and would begin soon. Aside that, we are facilitating another 20 bed hospital facility in Dormaa Akwamu that would be coupled with the district hospital and seek to the wellbeing of the good people of Dormaa east.